Alone Person’s Vinyl Drums!
VintageDrumSamples - Alone Person’s Vinyl Drums
Our little journey through time continues....
Entered destination of our time machine: LONDON 1982
This drum sound from this album I Robot & this hit song is iconic and unmistakable. EYE IN THE SKY!
Inspired by THE legendary Abbey Road Producer, we put a lot of effort into emulating the entire chain to emulate that inimitable deep sound with era-specific instruments and gear,
Here are the main features:
Alone Person’s Vinyl Drums for Kontakt 5.8.1 +
- Multi Round-Robin and articulations
- up to 12RR
- kick / snare / tom 1 / tom 2 / tom 3 / tom 4 / high hat/ high hat open / crash / ride
- GM Mapped
- Kontakt 5.8.1 and above
- WAV files are included (24bit/48kHz)
- Straight Into Tape (Studer A80) (15 IPS) and cut/sampled back from Vinyl
- Mix-ready (you get what you hear)
More info: